After a tiring day yesterday, relax today 😁

Departure for Yuasa town by Limited Express train Kurushio (40 min), famous for its soy sauce (made in Wakayama Prefecture): visit of the factory. Japanese soy sauce is said to born in Yuasa.

Short walk in the city and visit of temple.

We met a charming old lady of 77 years old who helped us when looking for an onsen to relax.

Just forgot that it is a public holiday so the onsen was closed ...

No problem, we took the next train for Shirahama, famous city for its beach (white sand) and onsens. The most important is Saki No Yu Onsen which was unfortunately closed due to consequences of typhoon earlier September 😨

We finished at Muro No Yu Onsen and it was 👍 for a first experience. Not so many women, it was weird at the beginning but very relaxing

Short walk to go to the beach and at the end : footbath 😄

Allez, après la journée exténuante de Koyasan, ça va être tranquille!

Activation du JR PASS !

Visite de la fabrique de la sauce soja dans la ville de Yuasa, où est née la sauce soja japonaise

Puis un petit tour à Shirahama où j’ai fait le premier onsen de ma vie 😂 

Muro Yo Nu, onsen de quartier, pas très grand mais très bien pour une première expérience! Au départ on voulait tester l’un des plus anciens onsens du Japon, Saki Yo Nu, mais il était fermé pour travaux (suite au passage du typhon début septembre)

Dernier dîner à Wakayama : Ginpei restaurant, Wakayama Station